Stop motion

Artist’s Statement: Unit 3 Artwork (animation)

What have you created?

Date of Artwork: 2022.05.27

Name of Artwork: Stop motion

Medium or Genre (choose):                                                           

  digital image                   photography                    video/gif            animation                    other     

(Photoshop, Illustrator)                           (Photograph)                                        (Stop Motion Studio/ Premiere Rush)


Which Principle of Media Art is shown in this work?

  point of view                   Hybridity

Explain:  I used a top-down shot because it would better include what I wanted to shoot in the video.              


Answer 4 questions:

  What emotion, idea, or message does your work communicate?

I want to express that I have to learn to reject what I don't like and refuse in my own way.

  Why did you choose to the images you did, in your work? Why are two of these important to you?

I chose octopus and bamboo. Octopus is a very favorite animal of mine, and the octopus doll I use for video shooting is two-sided and has a different expression.

  Which emotions would you like the viewer to feel, when looking at your work? Which ideas do you want them to think about?

I want to express that I have to learn to reject what I don't like and refuse in my own way.


  What are the strengths of your artwork?

I think the strength of my work is that there is a very complete story, and it is also very interesting. Also, my work also has background music and the opening ending.

  What are the weaknesses of your artwork?

I think the lack of time is that the length is a bit insufficient, if you remove the real content from the beginning and the end, it is only about fifteen seconds or so. Hopefully next time I can make it longer.

