
Stop motion

Artist’s Statement: Unit 3 Artwork (animation) What have you created? Date of Artwork: 2022.05.27 Name of Artwork: Stop motion Medium or Genre (choose):                                                            ☐   digital image                   ☐ photography                    ☐ video/gif            ☒ animation                    ☐ other      (Photoshop...

A logo and name

CTA 1: Reflecting on Portfolio Artworks Artist’s Statement: Unit 2 Artwork (Logo) What have you created? Date of Artwork: 2022.06.02 Name of Artwork: Logo with name Medium / Genre (choose):                                                            ☒   digital image                   ☐ photography                    ☐ video/gif            ☐ animation                    ☐ other...


  (Description) Kevin Lam Title: Universe Medium: Photocollage (Photoshop) Date: 3/7/22 What is the message?   I want to show people some famous paintings and some planets. (Interpretation) Why did you choose two of the images you did, in your work? Why are two of these important to you?  My background is universe because I want to put some stars and planets in my collage so I decided to put an universe photo as my background.   Which emotions would you like the viewer to feel, when looking at your work? Which ideas do you want them to think about? I  want the viewer to feel amazing and knowledgeable.   (Analysis) What technique(s) did you use in Photoshop to achieve your final image?  Tools: lasso, object selection   How have you used the composition in your design to communicate your message?  (Use of movement and contrast, using "line", color, etc.) Color repetition (blue); Contrast: lights and darks; Contrasting diagonals create move...